Master of Business Administration with a concentration in Information Technology
To create momentum for your career and become a contender for top management roles, you need an advanced knowledge base and authoritative credentials. An MBA delivers critical business and management skills that employers want most: communication, strategy, leadership, and managerial skills.
Our fully online MBA with a concentration in Information Technology positions our graduates for growth opportunities at leading companies, non-profits, and government entities.
Demand for MBA talent remains high as companies worldwide seek to strategize and advance in evolving global markets. An MBA from Lawrence Tech provides you with the practical business knowledge to make critical decisions in real-world business situations.
Our programs are:
- Convenient – Study when and where you want, it’s 100% Online.
- Fast-paced – Earn your MBA in under 2 years.
- Collaborative – Learn beside professionals from the largest companies in the region.
- Relevant – The information technology profession is growing fast.
Core Courses (27 credits):
ACC 6003 – Managerial Accounting
ECN 6023 – Global Business Economics
MBA 6003 – Financial Management
MBA 6033 – Corporate Finance
MBA 6043 – Global Leadership
MBA 6053 – Strategic Marketing Management
MBA 6063 – Operations and Supply Chain Management
INT 6043 – Enterprise Information Technology
MBA 6073 – Global Strategic Management (Capstone)
Concentration Courses (9 credit hours)
INT 7063 – Project Management (required)
Provides students with the necessary skills, tools, and techniques to effectively manage a major project on time, within budget and with successful results. The course focuses on planning and control over the life of the project with an emphasis on Project Management Institute (PMI) best practices andreal-lifee scenarios. The course will cover project lifecycle planning, PERT and CPM, computer based project control tools, resource loading, scheduling, costing, and decision making in the project environment.
Choose two courses from the list below.
INT 6113 – Database Modeling and Administration
This course covers database modeling and database administration, in particular it covers both relational modeling and object modeling for database models, logical design, and physical design, implementation and administration of database. The course overviews enterprise models on the organization and its relationships with suppliers, customers, and competitors. It also overviews advanced topics that include database application development and data warehousing. The characteristics of data collected during the database modeling phase are critical in the design of databases, programs, and other system components. Facts and rules that are captured during this process are essential in assuring data integrity in an information system that is based on the design database. As a part of covering the implementation of database models and administration, the course also reviews basic concepts and syntax of SQL (Structured Query Language) and covers intermediate and advanced SQL commands and functions.
INT 6123 – Systems Analysis and Design
This course provides a methodical approach to implementing computer systems including systems planning, design, testing, implementation and software maintenance. Emphasis is on the strategies and techniques of systems analysis and design for producing logical methodologies for dealing with complexity in the development and implementation of information systems. The course approaches the development of information systems (IS) form a problem-solving perspective.
INT 7213 – Business Analytics and Intelligence
Business Intelligence and Analytics (BI&A) are applications and technologies that can be used to analyze data to improve business performance through fact-based decision-making. The demand for building and managing BI&A systems in today’s very competitive and challenging economy is high. This course is designed to provide in-depth Business Analytics knowledge of handling data and Business Intelligence tools that can be used for fact-based decision-making. The class will be hands-on and the emphasis will be placed on the “”know-how”” aspect- how to extract and apply business intelligence to improve business decision making. This course will cover the complete lifecycle for building, deploying and managing BI&A systems including defining and analyzing the business opportunity, analyzing the data, creating a solution prototype, designing the database, ETL, and user interface, developing the solution, and implementing and supporting the solution.
Or any elective listed under Information Technology as long as you meet the prerequisite